Rootles - Quests for the Curious : We've hidden what you're looking for...
Corporate Schools/Non-Profit Friends/Family

Rootles® at St. Paul’s School


The tags hath been hid, with extra to spare,
So be sure to be right when seeking what's there;
With full campus set as the bounds of your searching,
Keep your hounds on the scent and at their leads lurching.

In previous seasons, houses leaped from the worst to the first,
W hile others misplayed the simplest of verse;
So may caution prevail as you set on this hunt,
But let nothing distract you, or allow your wisdom to blunt.

Now for your start please head to instructions,
remembering all seen may be used in deductions;
Houses recall your unbridled passions,
As this year's hunt will unfold with similar fashions.

151 W. Oak - Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-9034
Rootles - Quests for the Curious
© 2006 Rootles
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