Rootles - Quests for the Curious : We've hidden what you're looking for...
Corporate Schools/Non-Profit Friends/Family

Hunt Description

Sample Clues

Hunt Design







CSU Homecoming and Family Weekend
Rootles® Treasure Hunt

Who: All students, faculty, and current graduate students are invited to participate in a campus wide treasure hunt during the week of homecoming.

What: This Rootles® hunt is an exploration of the campus surroundings. It will find 50 teams of five participants working together to decipher clues, which lead to locations on campus, where teams gather information necessary to view and solve subsequent clues. Clues may involve visual cues, ciphers, math problems, and a host of other brain teasers. For a taste of what these clues are like, check out a SAMPLE CLUE and its solution from an earlier campus hunt.

Where: During the four days of the hunt teams may be required to visit any corner of the main CSU campus. This is defined, for the purpose of this hunt, as the area bounded by the following streets: College, Laurel, Shields, and Prospect. This area is extended across Shields and College to include the grounds of the Alumni Center and the University Center for the Arts

When: The first clue will be available when you sign up your team from 11-2 on Monday October 1st at the opening Homecoming/Family Weekend Kick-off Cook-out, on the WCNR Lawn. Team signup and first clues will also be available after the Cook-out at the ASAP office on the bottom level of The Lory Student Center. Subsequent clues will be posted to the Rootles® web site at specific times between Monday 10/1 and Thursday 10/4. Further information is posted on the CSU RULES PAGE, of the Rootles® web site.

Why: To celebrate CSU's Homecoming and Family Weekend, to explore parts of campus you might have never even noticed, and to have a great time together trying to solve the puzzles and clues during the hunt.

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(970) 484-9034
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