Corporate Schools/Non-Profit Friends/Family

Hunt Description

Sample Clues

Hunt Design







February 19th - February 26th


Rootles® is creating a hunt as a part of the Housing and Dining Services "Olympic" celebration.


The hunt will take pace around the CSU Campus with clues available at set time through this website and through other channels for hard copy distribution.


Over the course of the five day hunt teams will be collecting information from many different sources as they solve clues and discover locations and the information necessary to find the overall solution to the hunt.


In short, the hunt will require your team to solve clues in order to determine a particular piece of information that you'll need to collect and where it may be. All of the details about dates, clues and questions can be found HERE. Additionally, a sample clue is posted HERE as well.


If you’ve ever participated in a treasure hunt, then you likely remember how much fun it is to puzzle out where you’ll find your next clue, while if you've never had the pleasure of going on a treasure hunt, then this is a perfect opportunity to experience an absolutely great way to explore your surroundings, work with your team, and claim some pretty great bragging rights!

We look forward to challenging you
beginning on the 19th!


Surrey Lane - Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-9034
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